Hey to all my lovelies out there! Sorry I've been a while, I got busy due to midterms and catching up my thesis lab work too. Anyways I'm back!
Today I wanted to take the time to talk about something very important, something that is usually talked about or is taboo. That is PERIODS!
I don't care if you are a woman, a man or any other gender to be honest. I just think that talking about reproductive health and cycles is so important in this day and age. Its 2020 for god's sake. Yes, in some cultures its very taboo to talk about it or even mention it (I know that because its uncomfortable in the Indian culture). Honestly I disagree with that because its a natural biological process! Sure its a frustrating to deal with and we end up feeling icky during the 5-7 days, but its a natural process that its important to understand it whether you have it, or if you are helping your significant other or partner. Try to be informed!
Here are some tips and tricks that can help you or take them to help your significant other. Now I just want to say that these are from personal experiences.
For cramps and bloating:
Drink pomegranate juice or eat pomegranate before your period or on the first two days to decrease or avoid cramps and bloat
Drink peppermint tea
Drink ginger and brown sugar tea
Massage the area slowly while lying down.
Sleep it off
Try working on or doing something else to take your mind off it
Use a heating pad ( I really like the HomEdics electronic massage and heating pad.
For on the go, use the ThermaCare Menustral Heating Pads
Take a hot shower and focus on the area
So this just in my opinion and experience. I avoid certain foods during periods so I don't get nausea or bloating
Fried food
Takeout and fast food
Heavy meals
Anything too spicy or salty, no strong flavors
I hope you all enjoyed this post! Remember its okay to reach out and talk about this stuff to be well informed!
