Need something new to revitalization your skin and clean your pores too? Want to clear blackheads and whiteheads? Well look no further, I present to you the Indian Aztec Healing Clay Mask
I have been using this product for years! I first discovered around the freshmen year of college, when a friend had recommended it to me and it is outstanding! This clay makes is able to clean your pores, revitalize your skin with glowing features and get rid of blackheads too. I'm not kidding, after you wash it off, you can literally feel your skin and pores breathing and it feels amazing! You can even see your face back to healthy holding state. Even with the mask, it helps tighten your skin and makes the blood circulation flow too, which is good for your skin as well because it gives a glow and keeps your skin happy.
This powder in technical term is calcium bentonite. They say you can add water or apple cider vinegar to make the paste, but as a tip, I like to use raw, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar because its been proven to be better for your skin (you can find the apple cider vinegar at your local grocery store).
I like to mix 1 1/2 spoons of the clay powder with 1 1/2 spoons of apple cider vinegar (so basically a 1:1 to ratio). You can either just do parts of your face or whole. I like to do it whole all around to even it out. After application, it is best to leave it on for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Please do not leave it on longer, it will stick to your skin and dry it out, plus it will be hard to get off
Next, wash it off with warm to cold water. If your skin feels inflammation, tingling sensation, or redness occurs that means its working, don't worry. Also please test out first on your hand instead of your face to check it if safe for your skin.
You can find this clay mask on Amazon or if available at your grocery store at the beauty and akin care aisle.
Tip: I recommend to use this mask only once a month or once every 2 weeks. Using it too much can dry out skin. If your skin drys out too much, then, your glands produce more oil which lead to producing to more pimples or blackheads. This medium sized tub lasts at least 1 1/2 year, so its so worth it!